David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Sec.IV, p. 11
What does the wee blue leprechaun Jimmy Flaherty have in common with Mayor Rob Ford? Okay your right on that one, the height deficiency disorder. What else? Well okay I will have to give that one also. The near megalomaniacal desire for power that they aren't intelligent enough to wield on their own. But now you are getting really close! Earlier on in this blog the Oracle of Ottawa was referring to the Bilderberg Group a lot of times in jest. Tongue firmly in check, it seemed to make the words flow better and for some weird reason it gave the writing something I was trying to achieve... But the Oracle of Ottawa had a weird hunch to check something out, and in requirement to the Thinking About Thinking Project, which is still ongoing, I follow all hunch's as procedure... Well the Oracle of Ottawa has truly frightened himself this time!
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David Hume says; "I told you so..." |
As you have no doubt heard in the old media, Dear Reader, the details of the incredible fees being earned in Ottawa by one Deloitte-Touche at the peasant rate of only $90,000 per day! All to help and aid the wee little bantam rooster Jimmy Flaherty in gutting the Civil Service...The whole contract tops out at a mere 20 million dollars. I am sure many extensions will surely be granted... Now at roughly the same time His Imperial Highness of Hog Town, Rob Ford, has the firm KPMG in for the kitten drowning exercise at the City of Toronto! I haven't heard what this is costing the beleaguered Toronto tax payer, but you can count on it being very rich...
The Oracle of Ottawa remembers when we once had competent governments in Canada. The last big clean up in Ottawa occurred under the administration of Jean Chretien. Why the guy wouldn't even think of contracting out such a task! They were Liberals, for crying out loud and smart as hell too! They had more than enough brilliance in house, it was a total doddle!! And they did what they had to do, but they did it nicely and respectfully! Why people lined up for early retirement just to get their retirement plaque signed by a Great Prime Minister! It all went swimmingly.
So why is it that two levels of government, of the right wing wacko variety, have to bring in foreign contractors to do stuff that any civil servant staffer is more than competent to attend to on his own? Well the Oracle of Ottawa will let you discover this all by yourself...
Enter the following searches into Google... I have already done so to save you the time.... So just click on the link and it will take you there....
Deloitte-Touche Bilderberg Group.....(engage the high lighter...)
KPMG Bilderberg Group......(engage the high lighter...)
Now do you understand? These foreign "contractors" seem to be certified ideologically pure by the Bilderberg Group!! Why isn't the old style media running with this? Why isn't someone standing up in the House of Commons and asking this question? They will, and still do, have much more protection in the House than this poor blogger does out naked in the open....
The Oracle of Ottawa could go on and on... But I am not Hunter S. Thompson, and this is not the Rolling Stone magazine... Gods speed you poor fools....
Note wee Jimmy in the bottom right of the frame...making Lovey eyes with old Rob....
(This post was created with the help of Genesis - Wind and Wuthering, it worked in Christmas of 1976 and it still works.)
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