Monday, February 14, 2011

You are all powerful

To form a safe and satisfactory judgement of the proper remedy, it is absolutely necessary that we should be well acquainted with the extent and malignity of the disease.
Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, No. 21

Why is it that when you open any introductory economics text-book you can discover that the biggest part of the economy is the total purchases of  private households, but when you ask anyone what the biggest part of the economy is you always hear " the government" ?

Why do people put up with  the abuse they get at airports? My traveling days are long over. I will just not submit myself to meat inspection just to fly. Nor will I allow an invasion of privacy by getting the whatever-its-called quick boarding card. I am just puked when the Canadian Minister of Transport spews about how this is so important for my security, and yours! You can rest assured that the good minister does not fly like you...
While your your getting your junk patted down and the second titty rub, the good minister is already boarded and enjoying his second Bloody Mary, non-alcoholic of course.

How the Transport Minister Flies...

Karl Marx often went on about how the workers would only get a fair shake when they owned the means of production. Hmmm. Ponder this; the Bank of Nova Scotia has 77,210 employees as of 2010. The bank has 612 million common shares. There are only 259 major shareholders!? Institutions own over 56% of the outstanding common stock. For  the employees to give everybody a shock at a future annual shareholders meeting, how many shares would each employee have to own? This is a "Cadillac" case. Can you think of a company that has a very large number of well payed employees and a very undervalued stock? Interesting isn't it? 

My friend Karl Marx has come by to tuck you in....

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