Saturday, February 5, 2011

Beef au Bilderberg

All registers which, it is acknowledged, ought to be kept secret, ought certainly never to exist.
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations...,  Book V, Chapter II, Part II, Appendix to Articles I and II, pg.935

We have, as you know, very many economic conferences regularly all over the world. Two that come to mind are the  Doha Debates and the Davos get together sponsored by The World Economic Forum. These are open, in that every thing, if your interested, can be accessed. And they have even  been recently televised. Recently the Davos meeting has been pretty funny to watch, in that the participants, all have, that; you don't know whats going to be next looks on their posh faces. And of course they don't. That is what makes or is supposed to make the game fair and flat; your guess of the future is as good as any one else'. For more on this see the author Andy Kessler, in any of his books....

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke , 2008

Then you have the annual Bilderberg Group meeting. This is secret. The most so called powerful people on earth slink into some posh golf club and / or hotel. More nervous of being spotted then a kiddy diddler on parole outside a playground! What is it with these people?

If your interested who attended recently it is all at Wikipedia. And Wikileaks. Canada and the United States send the prime minister and president. But also the Americans have sent the head of the Federal Reserve. I think Canada has sent the governor of the Bank of Canada. But I have no proof of that.. Also attending these things are merchant bankers or rich Lords bastards that sit on many bank boards.. Now they are sitting listening to your central bank chairman tell them all kinds of juicy bits from research  that your tax dollars paid to compile! Now be a good citizen and ask the most important question:  What is in this for me?

Your central banker is going and dumping all that valuable information to foreign bankers and all the other riff-raff  who sure as hell will be trading off it two seconds after the speaker stops speaking! And if that is not true why is the meeting secret? Why do we as citizens of a free and democratic societies  put up with this? Why should we allow these meetings, a bastard archaic form of star chamber, even occur on the soil of our respective nations? So that information paid for by us the tax payer delivered to scum by our servants paid for by us the tax payer... What is in it for me?

Note the old Canadian flag at 1:15... and that the stadium can still be visited..... Still feel all righteous?

Berlin Olympic Stadium today...

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