Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Where The Words Come From

A baser meaning has been read into these characters the literal sense of which decency can safely scarcely hint.
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, p. 33

I know that this will come as a real shock to my Dear Readers of the world, but being Canadian can be really weird! As per North America in general Canada is not an ethnic nation state, as say Germany which contains over 90% German people. Or Russia which has mostly Russians. Or Poland, which has I hear, a lot of Polish people. Canada especially in Nova Scotia and Eastern and Southern Ontario has a bit, hit or trace of everything from all over the world. Not to forget to mention the peoples that were here way before us European Johnny come lately's!

The Oracle of Ottawa has concluded from long life experience this can make for interesting outcomes and some really weird Thanksgiving dinners! And totally obscure obsessions and pursuits, which rise up from deep in the ancient DNA of the family tree. The Oracle of Ottawa has to fight it most all the time, the piles of books in the secure bunker are always on the verge of nearly taking over. The long suffering wife pleading for some floor space and a general sort and stack. The constant ascensions and de-ascensions of volumes numerous. And that un-killable urge to write things so that they sound right. It all doesn't have to say anything on the surface, the message is in the rythm. Where the hell does this all come from?

The Oracle of Ottawas make up is French, Anglo Saxon, on my fathers side and Irish, French with a 1/8th twist of Aboriginal on my mothers fathers side. The inevitable fallout of chasing those stupid fur bearing animals all those years ago... Pondering this for a moment can make for some very strange thought chains and philisophical twists and turns. But it truly has its advantages also. A well written legal text is as fascinating as an old master drawing! And when ever I hear an Aboriginal drum circle the hair on the back of my neck stands right up. It took some questions and answers to my Mom to figure all this out, but I,m good with it...

Now my Mothers Mom was Irish, and Lord she was truly Irish. Now imagine ramming all this together into one person and you can see where all the weirdness comes from. And in closing, I heard that!, it is truly fascinating being in my head!

"And my one eyed mongrel twice run over..."

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