Saturday, October 2, 2010

How about this Google?

The tool, as we have seen, is not exterminated by the machine.

Karl Marx, Das Kapital, Buch I, Chapter 15 Section II, p. 422

When you first read this passage in Das Kapital you automatically think wrench, crowbar etc. Upon the second reading you realize Marx was a German and there is probably more then one meaning to what he was trying to get across. If you check your Oxford English dictionary the third meaning of tool is; "a person used or exploited by another." I am convinced Marx was speaking about managers! Karl had a lot to say about the birth of the manager class in Das Kapital. His insight and vision were right on the money. This man also saw the coming of what is known today as TNC's  or trans national corporations and the endless screw ups that the credit system would  take us in and through. (See Volume III for this..) He saw how the banking system would appear at first to serve then enslave the very people it was intended to serve. Sound familiar? Not bad for a stateless refugee with nothing but a library card....

This is an idea pitch to Google. New from Google; What is the world thinking about now? In cooperation with Wikipedia (arms length of course.. don't be evil...) find out the top requested  100 articles in the last hour, the top 1000 articles by page view yesterday, last month, last year (rolling 12 months) and the top 1000 articles Year To Date.. There is a ton of priceless information in this.. It is just that Wikipedia for some reason can't seem to make this work all the time. They are having problems..partly money and partly ideology. I will say it right out loud; there is an internal war at Wikipedia caused by its incredible Myth Busting powers  and the destruction of the" USA rules the world" paradigm. There appear to be those that would rather suppress the truth and preserve the old myth.. For example; who is the most popular economist by page view requests on Wikipedia? Did you say Adam Smith? I would. But you would be wrong! Adam Smith gets about 60,000 hits a month while Karl Marx gets over 225,000! It is astounding that ole Marx is the number one dude. He also is usually in the top 1000 articles. Last updated early 2009!  Google could for a very small price provide the required hardware and funds, I figure no more then 7 figures annually, the users could get there page view stats capability back and Google could make even more money by showing good will and the resulting media coverage and HITS!! on the main page... Another example; what is the number 1 article right now on Wikipedia? Answer: Lady Gaga. But the Beatles are close behind at number 37 and they haven't played together in decades! So how good is Lady Gaga really?.... 

Did you see the CBC National News on Thursday last? Excellent television! The political panel segment was awesome! The excrement hit the fan....While discussing the last issue of the Macleans  cover story about corruption in Quebec it all just went nuts! The best clip yet, watch it on Retro-bites on You-Tube! They also discussed the new book coming out soon called Harperland! Inside the present day Conservative Party. Now I figured it was bad but from what is in the advanced proofs it is much worse then even the Oracleofottawa thought. So that is pretty bad. There seem to be some serious Axis 3 and 4 issues if you follow my my drift...
Now a little Shop And Tell. On Friday I go to one of my favorite Chapters outlets (Canada's National Bookstore?) and ask when I could get a copy of Harperland? I am sorry sir we have no book by that name coming soon! Your kidding me right? Header Whats Her Name isn't going to let me read this book either!?
Well screw it. I'll get mine from Jeff at Amazon .com! And send a copy of Mein Kampf with that...... yes I know you will... Good Man you are!

(The Orcaleofottawa would like to welcome the new readers from Spain....)

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