Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life, the Universe and everything...

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
Ernest Rutherford, Rutherford at Manchester(1962) by J.B. Birks

It hit me this afternoon as I was driving from Ottawa to a favorite bookshop in Carleton Place, right across from the Tim Hortons..As I was cruising down Highway 7 in my honking big Chrysler automobile enjoying the wicked nice day, it hit me! A philosophy of  Life, the Universe and everything.. Maybe this is my one Good Idea! We are here to simply transmit and absorb entropy! Our existence is a scalable copy of the Universe in the small. All matter wants to evolve to something more complex..and if that is not possible all matter then prefers to just fart around! Think of the life and death of stars. They are born, and they burn, the hydrogen turns to helium and so on up the periodic table, until it becomes a red giant and then it collapses into itself and explodes into a super nova. The liberated gas plasma and vapors and all the created elements just fart around waiting for the next gravity source that will allow all the parts to form a new star and eventually change into something more complex. Now think of people forming into groups and then nations..In there efforts to create there world they must transmit entropy., but as they are doing so they absorb entropy. well in plain English they grow old and weary..We are nothing really but Entropy-Bots! Now of course some nations will be better at transmitting entropy then other nations. These nations will become Empires.. but alas only for a little while.. So what ya think? It needs a little spit and entropy but I smell a Noble...

The earth has stopped moving in Ottawa the day after the municipal elections, there are now just a few shocked tremors. Eleven of, what is it, twenty seven seats at the table are new faces! This is history! This has never happened before, seriously. I put this done to my earlier post on how to pick a candidate; see how well it works? And they are a much better looking lot then the bums on the run! The surviving right wingers such as Jan Hardon are just soiling there panty's! With Larry as Mayor they looked like absolute intellectual giants. Now it is back to the laundry. They are going to be seen as the morons they really are.. Bummer...We even had a Mr. Dibbs goes to town!! Mathieu Fleury was working for the City of Ottawa in the Parks Department all 25 years old of him! He runs in Beacon Hill (broken hill...) and blows an incumbent out that served what, three terms! What a story! The pundits of the vulgar capitalist media (CTV) were going on about all in all the counsel is a little more to the right!  EXCUSE ME! David Chernesenko won! formerly of the Green Party! With just him there the whole counsel could enter chambers dim the lights and raise Karl Marx and Trotsky from the dead! This group will provide blogging material for all time. Hold on to your seats folks.

God I miss Yurgen Goth so much. If you want to have your car radio on while driving home and not want to have one neuron of  your brain fire just listen to Bitch Stirfry on the CBC radio....Buck Fifty Nine? He ain't worth a nickel... The only reason he got this job is not for how he makes you and I feel, but rather how he makes a certain program executive feel.... (Squeel.... you ready to some praying boy?)
Then when you get home you can watch what used to be the award winning program Politics on CBC Newsworld. God I miss John Neumann. Now I got to suffer I-even Soldaman. A Tory love in. The little thumpers have the answers, but they don't understand the questions! But it's alright. What did Steve Harpers right bower at the University of Calgary say in one of his books? NO ONE RUNS CANADA!! This show is now the proof of that!!

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