All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
Ernest Rutherford, Rutherford at Manchester(1962) by J.B. Birks
It hit me this afternoon as I was driving from Ottawa to a favorite bookshop in Carleton Place, right across from the Tim Hortons..As I was cruising down Highway 7 in my honking big Chrysler automobile enjoying the wicked nice day, it hit me! A philosophy of Life, the Universe and everything.. Maybe this is my one Good Idea! We are here to simply transmit and absorb entropy! Our existence is a scalable copy of the Universe in the small. All matter wants to evolve to something more complex..and if that is not possible all matter then prefers to just fart around! Think of the life and death of stars. They are born, and they burn, the hydrogen turns to helium and so on up the periodic table, until it becomes a red giant and then it collapses into itself and explodes into a super nova. The liberated gas plasma and vapors and all the created elements just fart around waiting for the next gravity source that will allow all the parts to form a new star and eventually change into something more complex. Now think of people forming into groups and then nations..In there efforts to create there world they must transmit entropy., but as they are doing so they absorb entropy. well in plain English they grow old and weary..We are nothing really but Entropy-Bots! Now of course some nations will be better at transmitting entropy then other nations. These nations will become Empires.. but alas only for a little while.. So what ya think? It needs a little spit and entropy but I smell a Noble...
The earth has stopped moving in Ottawa the day after the municipal elections, there are now just a few shocked tremors. Eleven of, what is it, twenty seven seats at the table are new faces! This is history! This has never happened before, seriously. I put this done to my earlier post on how to pick a candidate; see how well it works? And they are a much better looking lot then the bums on the run! The surviving right wingers such as Jan Hardon are just soiling there panty's! With Larry as Mayor they looked like absolute intellectual giants. Now it is back to the laundry. They are going to be seen as the morons they really are.. Bummer...We even had a Mr. Dibbs goes to town!! Mathieu Fleury was working for the City of Ottawa in the Parks Department all 25 years old of him! He runs in Beacon Hill (broken hill...) and blows an incumbent out that served what, three terms! What a story! The pundits of the vulgar capitalist media (CTV) were going on about all in all the counsel is a little more to the right! EXCUSE ME! David Chernesenko won! formerly of the Green Party! With just him there the whole counsel could enter chambers dim the lights and raise Karl Marx and Trotsky from the dead! This group will provide blogging material for all time. Hold on to your seats folks.
God I miss Yurgen Goth so much. If you want to have your car radio on while driving home and not want to have one neuron of your brain fire just listen to Bitch Stirfry on the CBC radio....Buck Fifty Nine? He ain't worth a nickel... The only reason he got this job is not for how he makes you and I feel, but rather how he makes a certain program executive feel.... (Squeel.... you ready to some praying boy?)
Then when you get home you can watch what used to be the award winning program Politics on CBC Newsworld. God I miss John Neumann. Now I got to suffer I-even Soldaman. A Tory love in. The little thumpers have the answers, but they don't understand the questions! But it's alright. What did Steve Harpers right bower at the University of Calgary say in one of his books? NO ONE RUNS CANADA!! This show is now the proof of that!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Stream of Joyce it is....
Good roads, canals and navigable rivers, by diminishing the expence of carriage, put the remote parts of the country more nearly upon a level with those of the neighbourhood of the town. They are upon the greatest of all improvements.
Adam Smith , The Wealth of Nations, Book I, Chapter XI, Part I, p. 174
I am so tired hearing the right wing wack'o conservatives whining about taxes. There are a whole bunch of places on Earth where there are low or even no taxes. Like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ethiopia to name a few failed states of tax free bliss. Yet the havens of tax free bliss have not relieved me of my whining conservative friends. Why is that do you think? It seems even in Canada that the tax system runs more on inertia and four more years then on the greatest good for the greatest number. What I would like to see is an international index of tax efficiency measured with a numerical value to four decimal places from .0000 to 1.000. Now as we all know governments spend tax dollars. How do you measure a well spent tax dollar? How do you measure a poorly spent tax dollar? Well lately it has dawned on me that a well spent tax dollar can be measured by the number of tax dollars it will return to government revenue in the future! Let me list a few well spent tax dollar projects (i) the Saint Lawrence Seaway, (ii) Hoover Dam (iii) Tennessee Valley Authority
(iv)Canadian National Railway and (v)Petro Canada. The last two were sold off simply because government shouldn't be in business! And the Canadian government made an absolute killing on both deals! That is a well spent tax dollar! Hoover Dam generates a whooping river of money still; not to mention all the tourist traffic. That was a well spent pile of tax dollars. Have you seen the brand new Buicks? The latest GMC trucks? Well my little tea-party friend "Government Motors" seems to be working really well indeed! The United States government should retain the interest in Government Motors. It appears that so far the quality of the managers in the Federal Civil Service are of a much higher quality then mere vulgar capitalism based corporations! Someday not tomorrow or the next day, but soon enough, we are going to go toe to toe with the Asians again! Where do you think you are going to get your tanks planes and guns? Toyota? Cream of Sum Young Guy Motors in China? Oh stop your killing me....What is a poorly spent tax dollar? It is simply a tax dollar spent that will not return even itself to government revenues in the length of time of a 25 year residential mortgage!! A good example of poor tax spending is excessive defense spending. A good example of a well spent tax dollar is education... I figure there must be a way to measure this just from the standard "national accounting" numbers that are already out there... Is there or what?
The "rare earths" article has surged in page views recently at Wikipedia. This was caused by the Chinese choking off some delivery's to Japan... The Chinese have a "stranglehold" on rare-earth? Since freaking when? Is this figure as accurate as there GDP growth numbers? This is a crock!! The Russians have more of this filth stored from the Soviet days then the Chinese can shake a stick at! Here in Canada we haven't even started and or bothered to look for it! But it is here.. oh ya we got it up the wazzooo! I must be right... the surge has petered out and the article is back to its average number of page views... hmmmm do you think there is information in that??
This blog is reaching the farthest ends of the earth! I can't freaking believe that people in Russia are reading!??
And eight other countries.. It seems, much to my chagrin, that the most read post was my first stream of shit rant! I thought I would get booed out of the blog o verse.. And the post that I thought would go through the roof was the one on Saint John the Apostle.. really proud of some of the turns of the word in that one... Not one freaking view! Go figure. Writing is frustrating hard and cruel. Pictures are coming! I am starting to amass them and soon as I can figure out how to pound them in you will see them...Watched the New Sherlock Holmes on WPBS this evening and it was the best television I have ENJOYED in a long time...When Sherlock says "I am not a psychopath! I am a high functioning sociopath.. Get it right!" He really is a man of my own heart.
Adam Smith , The Wealth of Nations, Book I, Chapter XI, Part I, p. 174
I am so tired hearing the right wing wack'o conservatives whining about taxes. There are a whole bunch of places on Earth where there are low or even no taxes. Like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ethiopia to name a few failed states of tax free bliss. Yet the havens of tax free bliss have not relieved me of my whining conservative friends. Why is that do you think? It seems even in Canada that the tax system runs more on inertia and four more years then on the greatest good for the greatest number. What I would like to see is an international index of tax efficiency measured with a numerical value to four decimal places from .0000 to 1.000. Now as we all know governments spend tax dollars. How do you measure a well spent tax dollar? How do you measure a poorly spent tax dollar? Well lately it has dawned on me that a well spent tax dollar can be measured by the number of tax dollars it will return to government revenue in the future! Let me list a few well spent tax dollar projects (i) the Saint Lawrence Seaway, (ii) Hoover Dam (iii) Tennessee Valley Authority
(iv)Canadian National Railway and (v)Petro Canada. The last two were sold off simply because government shouldn't be in business! And the Canadian government made an absolute killing on both deals! That is a well spent tax dollar! Hoover Dam generates a whooping river of money still; not to mention all the tourist traffic. That was a well spent pile of tax dollars. Have you seen the brand new Buicks? The latest GMC trucks? Well my little tea-party friend "Government Motors" seems to be working really well indeed! The United States government should retain the interest in Government Motors. It appears that so far the quality of the managers in the Federal Civil Service are of a much higher quality then mere vulgar capitalism based corporations! Someday not tomorrow or the next day, but soon enough, we are going to go toe to toe with the Asians again! Where do you think you are going to get your tanks planes and guns? Toyota? Cream of Sum Young Guy Motors in China? Oh stop your killing me....What is a poorly spent tax dollar? It is simply a tax dollar spent that will not return even itself to government revenues in the length of time of a 25 year residential mortgage!! A good example of poor tax spending is excessive defense spending. A good example of a well spent tax dollar is education... I figure there must be a way to measure this just from the standard "national accounting" numbers that are already out there... Is there or what?
The "rare earths" article has surged in page views recently at Wikipedia. This was caused by the Chinese choking off some delivery's to Japan... The Chinese have a "stranglehold" on rare-earth? Since freaking when? Is this figure as accurate as there GDP growth numbers? This is a crock!! The Russians have more of this filth stored from the Soviet days then the Chinese can shake a stick at! Here in Canada we haven't even started and or bothered to look for it! But it is here.. oh ya we got it up the wazzooo! I must be right... the surge has petered out and the article is back to its average number of page views... hmmmm do you think there is information in that??
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Rare Earth-What today is made of... |
This blog is reaching the farthest ends of the earth! I can't freaking believe that people in Russia are reading!??
And eight other countries.. It seems, much to my chagrin, that the most read post was my first stream of shit rant! I thought I would get booed out of the blog o verse.. And the post that I thought would go through the roof was the one on Saint John the Apostle.. really proud of some of the turns of the word in that one... Not one freaking view! Go figure. Writing is frustrating hard and cruel. Pictures are coming! I am starting to amass them and soon as I can figure out how to pound them in you will see them...Watched the New Sherlock Holmes on WPBS this evening and it was the best television I have ENJOYED in a long time...When Sherlock says "I am not a psychopath! I am a high functioning sociopath.. Get it right!" He really is a man of my own heart.
Monday, October 4, 2010
How Rome fell...
What would people think of a tradesman, that was to give a ball in his shop, hire performers, and hand refreshments about, with a view to benefit his business?
Jean-Baptiste Say, A Treatise on Political Economy, (Fourth Edition), 1832, Book I, On Production, Chapter XX, p. 214
I totally agree with J.B. Say; All marketers are liars. It seems that the only things that get the full court marketing press is the garbage you don't really need anyway. Ponder that for a moment.. Think of some great brands. Such as Google, Snap-on Tools, Fluke Instrument, Wikipedia, Berkshire-Hathaway.. Have you ever seen a 30 second low-life-hard sell spot on old media television for the great brands? No. Because they don't have to. Perhaps that is the start to a great new algorithm for intelligent shopping? I had a niece that was studying marketing at Carleton University. At a family BBQ, while she was trying to put relish on her burger, she was going on about how great a job and how much money people in marketing make. I asked her "why do you think the relish won't come out of that bottle dear?( The bottle of relish was half empty with the big chunks that wouldn't fit through the top...) Well Uncky Oracle it appears some idiot put the wrong top size on this bottle! "And who do you think made that decision dear and which department?" I asked... Well I guess it was the morons in marketing! Now do you understand when your Uncky Oracle says being in marketing is is the same as telling a lie everyday for the rest of your life? She saved herself, Thank God, and is now teaching English in South Korea!
In 2008 marketing damn near destroyed the world. At all these insane investment banks the financial instruments were not called financial instruments they were more commonly referred to as "products". No new product was marketed without in house consent of a huge marketing machine! Brother can you spare a dime? Another marketing travesty that is still in full swing is the Human Resources Rip-Off...But of that another time.. You commonly hear today on and on and on some more; greenhouse warming and climate change will destroy our civilization and our planet. Bullshit! What destroys empires, civilizations and nation-states is simply this: poor management and Death-Wish marketing. When management fails at an entity the first people to leave are the smart ones! What took years to accumulate must now be replaced with much dumber people in a hell of a hurry. This is when the death spiral really kicks in; I refer to it as the skid mark effect. A really great example I am observing now in Ottawa from many disgruntled employees and managers is occurring with a vengeance at the City of Ottawa. Or as it is called at present Skid Mark Central! Ouch! This is due, I am told, to the present Cue-Ball administration. It is repairable, but it will take years to undue the damage. Transition teams take note. And the crap you are going to find under the corners of the carpets in the back rooms.....
A great text book on a subject is hard to find. Some of the grand old publishing houses republish the great ones and it is a perennial business. Recently on one of my never ending book crawls I discovered the greatest modern chemistry text I have seen so far. It is called: Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity by Kotz and Purcell, published by Saunders College Publishing, 1987. I always keep a selection on hand because they are interesting and help a ton with stock-picking. In this edition check out the special section entitled "Of Oceans and Eggs" on page 660. You will soon come to realize that the modern song of climate change etc... is yes just another marketing job....
Jean-Baptiste Say, A Treatise on Political Economy, (Fourth Edition), 1832, Book I, On Production, Chapter XX, p. 214
I totally agree with J.B. Say; All marketers are liars. It seems that the only things that get the full court marketing press is the garbage you don't really need anyway. Ponder that for a moment.. Think of some great brands. Such as Google, Snap-on Tools, Fluke Instrument, Wikipedia, Berkshire-Hathaway.. Have you ever seen a 30 second low-life-hard sell spot on old media television for the great brands? No. Because they don't have to. Perhaps that is the start to a great new algorithm for intelligent shopping? I had a niece that was studying marketing at Carleton University. At a family BBQ, while she was trying to put relish on her burger, she was going on about how great a job and how much money people in marketing make. I asked her "why do you think the relish won't come out of that bottle dear?( The bottle of relish was half empty with the big chunks that wouldn't fit through the top...) Well Uncky Oracle it appears some idiot put the wrong top size on this bottle! "And who do you think made that decision dear and which department?" I asked... Well I guess it was the morons in marketing! Now do you understand when your Uncky Oracle says being in marketing is is the same as telling a lie everyday for the rest of your life? She saved herself, Thank God, and is now teaching English in South Korea!
In 2008 marketing damn near destroyed the world. At all these insane investment banks the financial instruments were not called financial instruments they were more commonly referred to as "products". No new product was marketed without in house consent of a huge marketing machine! Brother can you spare a dime? Another marketing travesty that is still in full swing is the Human Resources Rip-Off...But of that another time.. You commonly hear today on and on and on some more; greenhouse warming and climate change will destroy our civilization and our planet. Bullshit! What destroys empires, civilizations and nation-states is simply this: poor management and Death-Wish marketing. When management fails at an entity the first people to leave are the smart ones! What took years to accumulate must now be replaced with much dumber people in a hell of a hurry. This is when the death spiral really kicks in; I refer to it as the skid mark effect. A really great example I am observing now in Ottawa from many disgruntled employees and managers is occurring with a vengeance at the City of Ottawa. Or as it is called at present Skid Mark Central! Ouch! This is due, I am told, to the present Cue-Ball administration. It is repairable, but it will take years to undue the damage. Transition teams take note. And the crap you are going to find under the corners of the carpets in the back rooms.....
A great text book on a subject is hard to find. Some of the grand old publishing houses republish the great ones and it is a perennial business. Recently on one of my never ending book crawls I discovered the greatest modern chemistry text I have seen so far. It is called: Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity by Kotz and Purcell, published by Saunders College Publishing, 1987. I always keep a selection on hand because they are interesting and help a ton with stock-picking. In this edition check out the special section entitled "Of Oceans and Eggs" on page 660. You will soon come to realize that the modern song of climate change etc... is yes just another marketing job....
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The light shines....
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the life of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not over come it.
John 1:1-4, English Standard Version (Study Bible), p. 2019
John was the last surviving apostle and the only one to die of natural causes at the age of 94! Wikipedia has a beautiful article about him and it is worth the time. The board and scholars of the English Standard Version must certainly be proud of this translation. It brings the melodic counterpoint of the Koine Greek to its English translation. Compare this to any other translation. The English Standard Version is head and saint above the rest. It is hard to be a "one percenter". And it must have been frightening as hell against the Romans, whose pure cruelty of power would make a battle hardened combat veteran of today look like a school crossing guard. At the end of the day we realize that John was a blogger, who posted to his medium with an enduring faith in the permanence of the word and the timelessness of his message.
The Ontario Municipal Election is on October 25. The last time I checked there were 14 candidates for the job of counsellor in my ward! Some wards have many more. The reason is that municipal politics is the entry level to public life in Canada, or if your really cynical admission to the shallow end of the trough! How to pick the right candidate? I will share an algorithm with you. Algorithms are very important. I count them as one of the three most unsung inventions of modern life. The other two being the Haber-Bosch process and the standardized steel shipping container. Okay, here we go! Now this is not "politically correct" but it is easy and quick. First drop off all the fat ones. Reasoning: If the candidate cannot manage himself why would you allow him to manage your stuff? Second: Drop off all the ugly ones. Reasoning: Ugly means inflexible, it means "issues", it means impossible to reach agreement on anything. Now you should have about two or three attractive candidates left. Now pay attention... Pick the second best looking one! You will get it right over 75% of the time! I read it in a math book, honest to God!
The prediction of the demise of the book I am afraid is somewhat premature. With the advent of the internet and Wikipedia I have never read so much in all my freaking life! I have an OED with the magnifier! I have two editions of the Chicago Manuel of Style! I actually looked in one the other day and it was interesting! I don't get no respect at all!! I have books read for Wikiqoute, I have books for cited references for Wikipedia. I have books in read, books to read and books that got to go.. My cat is threatening to call the Department of Worker Health and Safety if she gets caught in another remainder avalanche! Its tough.. I'm telling ya...
John 1:1-4, English Standard Version (Study Bible), p. 2019
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Saint John |
John was the last surviving apostle and the only one to die of natural causes at the age of 94! Wikipedia has a beautiful article about him and it is worth the time. The board and scholars of the English Standard Version must certainly be proud of this translation. It brings the melodic counterpoint of the Koine Greek to its English translation. Compare this to any other translation. The English Standard Version is head and saint above the rest. It is hard to be a "one percenter". And it must have been frightening as hell against the Romans, whose pure cruelty of power would make a battle hardened combat veteran of today look like a school crossing guard. At the end of the day we realize that John was a blogger, who posted to his medium with an enduring faith in the permanence of the word and the timelessness of his message.
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Tomb of St. John in Ephesus, Turkey |
The Ontario Municipal Election is on October 25. The last time I checked there were 14 candidates for the job of counsellor in my ward! Some wards have many more. The reason is that municipal politics is the entry level to public life in Canada, or if your really cynical admission to the shallow end of the trough! How to pick the right candidate? I will share an algorithm with you. Algorithms are very important. I count them as one of the three most unsung inventions of modern life. The other two being the Haber-Bosch process and the standardized steel shipping container. Okay, here we go! Now this is not "politically correct" but it is easy and quick. First drop off all the fat ones. Reasoning: If the candidate cannot manage himself why would you allow him to manage your stuff? Second: Drop off all the ugly ones. Reasoning: Ugly means inflexible, it means "issues", it means impossible to reach agreement on anything. Now you should have about two or three attractive candidates left. Now pay attention... Pick the second best looking one! You will get it right over 75% of the time! I read it in a math book, honest to God!
The prediction of the demise of the book I am afraid is somewhat premature. With the advent of the internet and Wikipedia I have never read so much in all my freaking life! I have an OED with the magnifier! I have two editions of the Chicago Manuel of Style! I actually looked in one the other day and it was interesting! I don't get no respect at all!! I have books read for Wikiqoute, I have books for cited references for Wikipedia. I have books in read, books to read and books that got to go.. My cat is threatening to call the Department of Worker Health and Safety if she gets caught in another remainder avalanche! Its tough.. I'm telling ya...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
How about this Google?
The tool, as we have seen, is not exterminated by the machine.
Karl Marx, Das Kapital, Buch I, Chapter 15 Section II, p. 422
When you first read this passage in Das Kapital you automatically think wrench, crowbar etc. Upon the second reading you realize Marx was a German and there is probably more then one meaning to what he was trying to get across. If you check your Oxford English dictionary the third meaning of tool is; "a person used or exploited by another." I am convinced Marx was speaking about managers! Karl had a lot to say about the birth of the manager class in Das Kapital. His insight and vision were right on the money. This man also saw the coming of what is known today as TNC's or trans national corporations and the endless screw ups that the credit system would take us in and through. (See Volume III for this..) He saw how the banking system would appear at first to serve then enslave the very people it was intended to serve. Sound familiar? Not bad for a stateless refugee with nothing but a library card....
This is an idea pitch to Google. New from Google; What is the world thinking about now? In cooperation with Wikipedia (arms length of course.. don't be evil...) find out the top requested 100 articles in the last hour, the top 1000 articles by page view yesterday, last month, last year (rolling 12 months) and the top 1000 articles Year To Date.. There is a ton of priceless information in this.. It is just that Wikipedia for some reason can't seem to make this work all the time. They are having problems..partly money and partly ideology. I will say it right out loud; there is an internal war at Wikipedia caused by its incredible Myth Busting powers and the destruction of the" USA rules the world" paradigm. There appear to be those that would rather suppress the truth and preserve the old myth.. For example; who is the most popular economist by page view requests on Wikipedia? Did you say Adam Smith? I would. But you would be wrong! Adam Smith gets about 60,000 hits a month while Karl Marx gets over 225,000! It is astounding that ole Marx is the number one dude. He also is usually in the top 1000 articles. Last updated early 2009! Google could for a very small price provide the required hardware and funds, I figure no more then 7 figures annually, the users could get there page view stats capability back and Google could make even more money by showing good will and the resulting media coverage and HITS!! on the main page... Another example; what is the number 1 article right now on Wikipedia? Answer: Lady Gaga. But the Beatles are close behind at number 37 and they haven't played together in decades! So how good is Lady Gaga really?....
Did you see the CBC National News on Thursday last? Excellent television! The political panel segment was awesome! The excrement hit the fan....While discussing the last issue of the Macleans cover story about corruption in Quebec it all just went nuts! The best clip yet, watch it on Retro-bites on You-Tube! They also discussed the new book coming out soon called Harperland! Inside the present day Conservative Party. Now I figured it was bad but from what is in the advanced proofs it is much worse then even the Oracleofottawa thought. So that is pretty bad. There seem to be some serious Axis 3 and 4 issues if you follow my my drift...
Now a little Shop And Tell. On Friday I go to one of my favorite Chapters outlets (Canada's National Bookstore?) and ask when I could get a copy of Harperland? I am sorry sir we have no book by that name coming soon! Your kidding me right? Header Whats Her Name isn't going to let me read this book either!?
Well screw it. I'll get mine from Jeff at Amazon .com! And send a copy of Mein Kampf with that...... yes I know you will... Good Man you are!
(The Orcaleofottawa would like to welcome the new readers from Spain....)
Karl Marx, Das Kapital, Buch I, Chapter 15 Section II, p. 422
When you first read this passage in Das Kapital you automatically think wrench, crowbar etc. Upon the second reading you realize Marx was a German and there is probably more then one meaning to what he was trying to get across. If you check your Oxford English dictionary the third meaning of tool is; "a person used or exploited by another." I am convinced Marx was speaking about managers! Karl had a lot to say about the birth of the manager class in Das Kapital. His insight and vision were right on the money. This man also saw the coming of what is known today as TNC's or trans national corporations and the endless screw ups that the credit system would take us in and through. (See Volume III for this..) He saw how the banking system would appear at first to serve then enslave the very people it was intended to serve. Sound familiar? Not bad for a stateless refugee with nothing but a library card....
This is an idea pitch to Google. New from Google; What is the world thinking about now? In cooperation with Wikipedia (arms length of course.. don't be evil...) find out the top requested 100 articles in the last hour, the top 1000 articles by page view yesterday, last month, last year (rolling 12 months) and the top 1000 articles Year To Date.. There is a ton of priceless information in this.. It is just that Wikipedia for some reason can't seem to make this work all the time. They are having problems..partly money and partly ideology. I will say it right out loud; there is an internal war at Wikipedia caused by its incredible Myth Busting powers and the destruction of the" USA rules the world" paradigm. There appear to be those that would rather suppress the truth and preserve the old myth.. For example; who is the most popular economist by page view requests on Wikipedia? Did you say Adam Smith? I would. But you would be wrong! Adam Smith gets about 60,000 hits a month while Karl Marx gets over 225,000! It is astounding that ole Marx is the number one dude. He also is usually in the top 1000 articles. Last updated early 2009! Google could for a very small price provide the required hardware and funds, I figure no more then 7 figures annually, the users could get there page view stats capability back and Google could make even more money by showing good will and the resulting media coverage and HITS!! on the main page... Another example; what is the number 1 article right now on Wikipedia? Answer: Lady Gaga. But the Beatles are close behind at number 37 and they haven't played together in decades! So how good is Lady Gaga really?....
Did you see the CBC National News on Thursday last? Excellent television! The political panel segment was awesome! The excrement hit the fan....While discussing the last issue of the Macleans cover story about corruption in Quebec it all just went nuts! The best clip yet, watch it on Retro-bites on You-Tube! They also discussed the new book coming out soon called Harperland! Inside the present day Conservative Party. Now I figured it was bad but from what is in the advanced proofs it is much worse then even the Oracleofottawa thought. So that is pretty bad. There seem to be some serious Axis 3 and 4 issues if you follow my my drift...
Now a little Shop And Tell. On Friday I go to one of my favorite Chapters outlets (Canada's National Bookstore?) and ask when I could get a copy of Harperland? I am sorry sir we have no book by that name coming soon! Your kidding me right? Header Whats Her Name isn't going to let me read this book either!?
Well screw it. I'll get mine from Jeff at Amazon .com! And send a copy of Mein Kampf with that...... yes I know you will... Good Man you are!
(The Orcaleofottawa would like to welcome the new readers from Spain....)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pfffittttt.....and its gone...
All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned.....
Karl Marx, The Manifesto of the Communist Party(1848),Section I, Paragraph 18, lines 12-14
When I was a young man I read right over the above quote. I just didn't get it. As I got older and did the inevitable reread the total view of this great work took on a whole different light. That is one of the weirdest and most wonderful things about Marx; it just won't get old. The things that I thought would never go away in my lifetime have. Former workplaces, people, the whole gamut. Marx was so right. Ole Karl always said turn the proposition on its head. So if everything melts into air, everything solid must come from air! The process is reversible. Just try picking winning stocks over a several year time frame. You will soon find if you are good that all that is solid comes from air. I always had a theory about the Manifesto.. It is pretty radical and I hope I don't offend any great Marx scholars. Here it goes, hold on tight. Karl and Friedrich had no idea in the least how important the work that they undertook would really be. Most of it was written in bars and taverns and we all know that Karl loved his beer and cigars.. "A spectre is haunting Europe..." Brilliant Herr Marx! Karl replied over and over; " if you thought that was good buy me another beer and some cigars, Oy, I got hundreds of 'em" They drank free for at least six to eight weeks I figure.. If you don't believe me go to the Karl Marx Commons at Wikipedia and two thirds down there is an actual manuscript page! Note the ashes on the edges! And is that a hotel monogram on the sheet of paper? I will leave it to you dear reader to decide. And yes this story has a morale; Don't , don't, DON'T drink and write. You could destroy the world!
This is I think my fourth post. I honestly thought that I would be talking to myself for at least six months. Wrong! I already have readers in Canada, United States, United Kingdom and really surprising Singapore! The new media what can I say? And the daily percentage increase is staggering. I am totally humbled. Now it is 11:00 pm. I have just finished watching my beloved CBC The National and that wonderful young man Adriane Harewood with my local news. Now what do I do? Watch George Whoselastnameicant sayorpronounce with the Red Chair or Charlie Rose? Pfffitttt... George your gone. Charlie Rose was awesome again tonight. Tee Chung-hwa was a great interview!(Lots of economic intelligence..) And Charlie Rose don't need no in house audience to back him up! And Charlie has every right in the world to be as arrogant as George IS but he demurs, he has no one to impress and nothing to prove. George you jacky little shit! You should watch Charlie Rose and learn your craft like a good journeyman!
For a blogger in Ottawa, Canada's National Capital it is sometimes truly great to be alive! An Ontario Superior Court Justice has struck down three provisions of the criminal code that literally decriminalizes prostitution in the Province of Ontario! What a hoot! Even I knew this was coming and I am truly glad I lived to see the day. Meanwhile the Tory's are beside themselves in moral outrage and indignation!! Meanwhile in Queens Park in Toronto Dalton McGuinty is looking for the bright side, and he soon finds it! " Gee guys this is one form of manufacturing you can't outsource!" Woo Hoo! Sign us up! There go's the deficit! Successful politics is all in the outlook.. And I swear you could literally hear the square meter price of every empty commercial building in every empty industrial park in Ontario go up. In closing the utter highlight of the day occurred in Tim Horton's (somewhere in Ottawa..) When I overheard two old girls discussing Rona Ambrose
and her hissy indignant claim the federal government will appeal right away.. Rona Ambrose oh yes .. she's the minister of Shrew!
Karl Marx, The Manifesto of the Communist Party(1848),Section I, Paragraph 18, lines 12-14
When I was a young man I read right over the above quote. I just didn't get it. As I got older and did the inevitable reread the total view of this great work took on a whole different light. That is one of the weirdest and most wonderful things about Marx; it just won't get old. The things that I thought would never go away in my lifetime have. Former workplaces, people, the whole gamut. Marx was so right. Ole Karl always said turn the proposition on its head. So if everything melts into air, everything solid must come from air! The process is reversible. Just try picking winning stocks over a several year time frame. You will soon find if you are good that all that is solid comes from air. I always had a theory about the Manifesto.. It is pretty radical and I hope I don't offend any great Marx scholars. Here it goes, hold on tight. Karl and Friedrich had no idea in the least how important the work that they undertook would really be. Most of it was written in bars and taverns and we all know that Karl loved his beer and cigars.. "A spectre is haunting Europe..." Brilliant Herr Marx! Karl replied over and over; " if you thought that was good buy me another beer and some cigars, Oy, I got hundreds of 'em" They drank free for at least six to eight weeks I figure.. If you don't believe me go to the Karl Marx Commons at Wikipedia and two thirds down there is an actual manuscript page! Note the ashes on the edges! And is that a hotel monogram on the sheet of paper? I will leave it to you dear reader to decide. And yes this story has a morale; Don't , don't, DON'T drink and write. You could destroy the world!
This is I think my fourth post. I honestly thought that I would be talking to myself for at least six months. Wrong! I already have readers in Canada, United States, United Kingdom and really surprising Singapore! The new media what can I say? And the daily percentage increase is staggering. I am totally humbled. Now it is 11:00 pm. I have just finished watching my beloved CBC The National and that wonderful young man Adriane Harewood with my local news. Now what do I do? Watch George Whoselastnameicant sayorpronounce with the Red Chair or Charlie Rose? Pfffitttt... George your gone. Charlie Rose was awesome again tonight. Tee Chung-hwa was a great interview!(Lots of economic intelligence..) And Charlie Rose don't need no in house audience to back him up! And Charlie has every right in the world to be as arrogant as George IS but he demurs, he has no one to impress and nothing to prove. George you jacky little shit! You should watch Charlie Rose and learn your craft like a good journeyman!
For a blogger in Ottawa, Canada's National Capital it is sometimes truly great to be alive! An Ontario Superior Court Justice has struck down three provisions of the criminal code that literally decriminalizes prostitution in the Province of Ontario! What a hoot! Even I knew this was coming and I am truly glad I lived to see the day. Meanwhile the Tory's are beside themselves in moral outrage and indignation!! Meanwhile in Queens Park in Toronto Dalton McGuinty is looking for the bright side, and he soon finds it! " Gee guys this is one form of manufacturing you can't outsource!" Woo Hoo! Sign us up! There go's the deficit! Successful politics is all in the outlook.. And I swear you could literally hear the square meter price of every empty commercial building in every empty industrial park in Ontario go up. In closing the utter highlight of the day occurred in Tim Horton's (somewhere in Ottawa..) When I overheard two old girls discussing Rona Ambrose
and her hissy indignant claim the federal government will appeal right away.. Rona Ambrose oh yes .. she's the minister of Shrew!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Seeing the light...
Nothing but the most exemplary morals can give dignity to a man of small fortune.
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book V, Chapter I, Part III, Article III, p. 874
If you have ever read the Wealth of Nations straight through -cover to cover- in the unabridged edition you will notice that the work starts with unabashed optimism. But as the end nears I could sense that the optimism was giving way to a realization that he had discovered the dark side of the new economics that he was relating to the world. But yet, like realizing that the wife is cheating on you, you want to be the last to know. What Adam Smith witnessed being born was the greatest social system ever to emerge. Its strength brooked no challenges it would destroy and create everything in its path and it has! Even militant communism lasted but a blink of economic time. But will it get us also?
World markets are firming, the Canadian TSX gained over 80 points today. Even "bad news" is having no effect. If you have the time, check out the William Stanley Jevons article at Wikipedia. Jevons was the first to propose that the activity in our Sun drove the "animal spirits" here on Earth. His major problem was that he did not have very good data. Today we have the Royal Belgium Observatory and the Solar Influences Data Center. Check out the pretty charts. I don't know about you but I could trade off of that. The peak of each period or wave looks to me to be pretty easy to nail more or less...When you think the peak has been reached may I suggest a square root out of the money straddle? No I have not seen it in any book either..Now just do a little mental math. If you miss the peek and nothing happens your out chump change. If you hit the payoff could be very huge indeed. If your a real rocket scientist you might want to sim it out.
While attempting to watch my beloved CBC TV, there is this stupid recurring commercial that just boogles the conscious mind. It is about a casement window that is made in Canada. Okay... The rather fat and ugly swarthy guy goes on about how well they work in all the different climate conditions in Canada. Okay... Then he starts going on about would this window work in the Amazon jungle? Then cut to a board hut in the Amazon jungle! (WTF??) Then the fat swarthy guy gets up off his fat ass and goes to open and close the window! BUT the shack is soo crappy that the cracks between the boards let in more then enough light and ventilation!! Why would any moron put a $1,200.00 casement window in a $1.99 shack? You are free to do what you are told... You are free to do what you are told.. You are free to do what you have been sold....Hey Wait a Minute!! (See: You-Tube-Bill Hicks- any performance..) God help us all....
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book V, Chapter I, Part III, Article III, p. 874
If you have ever read the Wealth of Nations straight through -cover to cover- in the unabridged edition you will notice that the work starts with unabashed optimism. But as the end nears I could sense that the optimism was giving way to a realization that he had discovered the dark side of the new economics that he was relating to the world. But yet, like realizing that the wife is cheating on you, you want to be the last to know. What Adam Smith witnessed being born was the greatest social system ever to emerge. Its strength brooked no challenges it would destroy and create everything in its path and it has! Even militant communism lasted but a blink of economic time. But will it get us also?
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Adam Smith. |
World markets are firming, the Canadian TSX gained over 80 points today. Even "bad news" is having no effect. If you have the time, check out the William Stanley Jevons article at Wikipedia. Jevons was the first to propose that the activity in our Sun drove the "animal spirits" here on Earth. His major problem was that he did not have very good data. Today we have the Royal Belgium Observatory and the Solar Influences Data Center. Check out the pretty charts. I don't know about you but I could trade off of that. The peak of each period or wave looks to me to be pretty easy to nail more or less...When you think the peak has been reached may I suggest a square root out of the money straddle? No I have not seen it in any book either..Now just do a little mental math. If you miss the peek and nothing happens your out chump change. If you hit the payoff could be very huge indeed. If your a real rocket scientist you might want to sim it out.
While attempting to watch my beloved CBC TV, there is this stupid recurring commercial that just boogles the conscious mind. It is about a casement window that is made in Canada. Okay... The rather fat and ugly swarthy guy goes on about how well they work in all the different climate conditions in Canada. Okay... Then he starts going on about would this window work in the Amazon jungle? Then cut to a board hut in the Amazon jungle! (WTF??) Then the fat swarthy guy gets up off his fat ass and goes to open and close the window! BUT the shack is soo crappy that the cracks between the boards let in more then enough light and ventilation!! Why would any moron put a $1,200.00 casement window in a $1.99 shack? You are free to do what you are told... You are free to do what you are told.. You are free to do what you have been sold....Hey Wait a Minute!! (See: You-Tube-Bill Hicks- any performance..) God help us all....
Monday, September 27, 2010
Conservatives insist that government should be "run more like a business". One might wonder how that could be possible, since government does not market goods and services for the purpose of capital accumulation.
Michael Parenti, Democracy for the Few (1974), sixth edition, Chapter 15, p. 267
It is municipal election time in Ontario, Canada. And here in Ottawa it is the dying days of the infamous Cue- Ball administration. I believe it was Alexis de Tocqueville who said " that whatever does not destroy a democracy will only make it stronger". Well when the great Jim Watson becomes mayor on October 26 2010 he will inherit the strongest city in Canada. It will be great relief to see my city, my home, be run by someone "who gets it". A large modern city of over one million people cannot be run at the whim and dead ideology of one flawed man but rather it must come to its moments of decision by the shared consensus of all its stake holders. According to Mercers 2010 Quality of Living Survey Ottawa is now number 14 in the world. We should easily be in the top 10!
On the economic front the merger of Biovail and Valeant has gone through. I hadn't checked the stock price in a while, it is over $27.00 a share! Woo Hoo! I paid 8 and change! If you have it don't sell it...I got this sneaking suspicion that something is in the pipe so big that it will make viagra look like aspirin.. But I will hold no matter what. I have learned the hard way..Now remember that one of these entity's is into stuff for skin ailments. I'll let you discover the rest. A very interesting and even at the present price a value play.
Now to media.. Being a pink far left Canadian and staying so even in my advanced years it will come as no surprise that I love my Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in all its many forms. But one show on the television network really pukes my chicken! I think it is called In The Dragons Den, the premise is a starving inventor appears and pitch's his idea in the hope of receiving venture capital funding. Now I know that the last years has been hard on the CBC. With all the Tory Conservative budget cuts they have been forced more and more over the years to demean the brand to get ad revenue. It is all so depressing. Is this what are best and brightest have to look forward to? Sucking Satan's Cock? (See Bill Hicks-Sucking Satan's Cock on You-Tube....) The "good part " of the show is apparentely the part where the likes of greasy Kevin O'Leary (a truly great man) try's to get as much of the poor bastards idea and lifeblood as possible in the form of his giving up forever a percentage of his idea! I wonder what Karl Marx would say if he were alive today! lol...I was so disgusted from watching just a part of one episode that I swore never to watch again. And to never buy any of the advertisers products, and you should start to think like this... Media will get a lot better fast if you just turn the damn thing off!
Michael Parenti, Democracy for the Few (1974), sixth edition, Chapter 15, p. 267
It is municipal election time in Ontario, Canada. And here in Ottawa it is the dying days of the infamous Cue- Ball administration. I believe it was Alexis de Tocqueville who said " that whatever does not destroy a democracy will only make it stronger". Well when the great Jim Watson becomes mayor on October 26 2010 he will inherit the strongest city in Canada. It will be great relief to see my city, my home, be run by someone "who gets it". A large modern city of over one million people cannot be run at the whim and dead ideology of one flawed man but rather it must come to its moments of decision by the shared consensus of all its stake holders. According to Mercers 2010 Quality of Living Survey Ottawa is now number 14 in the world. We should easily be in the top 10!
On the economic front the merger of Biovail and Valeant has gone through. I hadn't checked the stock price in a while, it is over $27.00 a share! Woo Hoo! I paid 8 and change! If you have it don't sell it...I got this sneaking suspicion that something is in the pipe so big that it will make viagra look like aspirin.. But I will hold no matter what. I have learned the hard way..Now remember that one of these entity's is into stuff for skin ailments. I'll let you discover the rest. A very interesting and even at the present price a value play.
Now to media.. Being a pink far left Canadian and staying so even in my advanced years it will come as no surprise that I love my Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in all its many forms. But one show on the television network really pukes my chicken! I think it is called In The Dragons Den, the premise is a starving inventor appears and pitch's his idea in the hope of receiving venture capital funding. Now I know that the last years has been hard on the CBC. With all the Tory Conservative budget cuts they have been forced more and more over the years to demean the brand to get ad revenue. It is all so depressing. Is this what are best and brightest have to look forward to? Sucking Satan's Cock? (See Bill Hicks-Sucking Satan's Cock on You-Tube....) The "good part " of the show is apparentely the part where the likes of greasy Kevin O'Leary (a truly great man) try's to get as much of the poor bastards idea and lifeblood as possible in the form of his giving up forever a percentage of his idea! I wonder what Karl Marx would say if he were alive today! lol...I was so disgusted from watching just a part of one episode that I swore never to watch again. And to never buy any of the advertisers products, and you should start to think like this... Media will get a lot better fast if you just turn the damn thing off!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
An Introduction...
"he who enlists a man's mind wields a power even greater than the sword or the scepter,"
Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers(1953), Chapter I, Introduction, p. 3
Welcome to The Economy of Media. Each blog entry will always contain a cited quote. If you read this dribble, you will always go away with more than you came with. It has been a rule that I have followed all my life. I will follow a standard format also. First there will be the quote, which I am hoping you will find timely and clever, followed by a discussion . The third part I will discuss some topic of the economy; it may be local or international. The fourth part will discuss some topic of the media and its impression pro or con that it has left upon me. Economy and media are two things that we are buffeted and abused by every day. I am pissed and I am not taking it any more. All I have to lose is my rage. All I have to declare is my naked shining brilliance.
I am somewhat goal oriented, so the goal of this blog is to see it to a size of one million words, and to see its popularity reach some where in the top one million websites on earth. In the past that nagging little voice has been telling me to write, write, and write some more. I would shudder and lay down until the feeling went away. The main thought that frightens me the most is that my words could someday cause revolution, move the earth and or cause some other unintended consequence. What would Karl Marx think if he found out how his musings written in The British Library Reading Room had and continues to have through out the earth?
But the voice won't be placated by a nap any more. My wife and sister in law are begging for the first entry.
Once when I was a younger man a book seller told me that if I wrote a great book, I would get laid and fetted in the most luxurious way(s)! But I demurred I just felt and still do that it just isn't in me.. Then a little later on I met an actual author who told me, that hell, even if I could write a bad book I would get laid! Woo Hoo!! Sign me up! I know I can write bad most of the time so it is all blue sky really! A lot of this will be just random association and if one or two sentences sound like Kurt Vonnegut or Hunter S. Thompson; Thank you Lord...
There will be no corporate whoring here! Every ho is welcome to compete for a space! Later on when I figure out how to do it I will install a virtual "begging box" (donations...) I got a strategy for this to... No one will pay for good writing, but some one may pay me to stop!
At first I wanted to call the blog The Oracleofottawa but some other putz already took the name and wrote less than ten paragraphs about his trip to the third world with some skank he was dating at the time and then stopped! So I thought and thought, while napping of course, for a real good slick Canadian name. The Economy of Media came to me. It contains two popular buzz words and I figured that I could get a ton of pity and error hits. Entering The Economy of Media on Google search netted 220 million hits. Which by the way is way more then The Oracleofottawa could get, way , way more... So here we go folks I bought the ticket and we are going to take the ride. I just hope I am not too successful because I hear that too much alcohol and fornication can kill you....
This part is about the economy, something that used to serve us all, but now we are slaves of. I have read my Ayn Rand and my Adam Smith (really I did..) and to me capitalism was the cats ass. Then along came 2008 and my opinions have been changed for ever. We will get into this a lot more latter. But the daily bug of the economy is this bubble of gold, the barbarous relic as Keynes would say. I have my very own conspiracy theory about this and it is the right wing bible thumping wacko's conspiring together to ruin President Obamas' first term. The only world these people are going to change for the worse is there own. I figure that at the end of his second term gold will be somewhere around $250 - $400 an ounce. You have been warned.
In the realm of the media, I don't know where to start. But let us end on something positive. It was so good that I felt myself about to levitate from my sofa! It was Charlie Rose interviewing Associate Justice Stephen Breyer. Go to Google Video and watch it. Brilliant! Two guys seated at a very nice oak table. One man wanting to share what he knew and another man that wanted to really know. How much did this cost to make? Hardly nothing. What will be its value to posterity? Priceless! Did I learn something? You bet. It left me convinced that although things are a little rough right now America and Western Civilization will pick itself up, lick itself off and rise to ever higher heights. No one ever made money betting against America.
Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers(1953), Chapter I, Introduction, p. 3
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Saint Jerome in his study. |
Welcome to The Economy of Media. Each blog entry will always contain a cited quote. If you read this dribble, you will always go away with more than you came with. It has been a rule that I have followed all my life. I will follow a standard format also. First there will be the quote, which I am hoping you will find timely and clever, followed by a discussion . The third part I will discuss some topic of the economy; it may be local or international. The fourth part will discuss some topic of the media and its impression pro or con that it has left upon me. Economy and media are two things that we are buffeted and abused by every day. I am pissed and I am not taking it any more. All I have to lose is my rage. All I have to declare is my naked shining brilliance.
I am somewhat goal oriented, so the goal of this blog is to see it to a size of one million words, and to see its popularity reach some where in the top one million websites on earth. In the past that nagging little voice has been telling me to write, write, and write some more. I would shudder and lay down until the feeling went away. The main thought that frightens me the most is that my words could someday cause revolution, move the earth and or cause some other unintended consequence. What would Karl Marx think if he found out how his musings written in The British Library Reading Room had and continues to have through out the earth?
But the voice won't be placated by a nap any more. My wife and sister in law are begging for the first entry.
Once when I was a younger man a book seller told me that if I wrote a great book, I would get laid and fetted in the most luxurious way(s)! But I demurred I just felt and still do that it just isn't in me.. Then a little later on I met an actual author who told me, that hell, even if I could write a bad book I would get laid! Woo Hoo!! Sign me up! I know I can write bad most of the time so it is all blue sky really! A lot of this will be just random association and if one or two sentences sound like Kurt Vonnegut or Hunter S. Thompson; Thank you Lord...
There will be no corporate whoring here! Every ho is welcome to compete for a space! Later on when I figure out how to do it I will install a virtual "begging box" (donations...) I got a strategy for this to... No one will pay for good writing, but some one may pay me to stop!
At first I wanted to call the blog The Oracleofottawa but some other putz already took the name and wrote less than ten paragraphs about his trip to the third world with some skank he was dating at the time and then stopped! So I thought and thought, while napping of course, for a real good slick Canadian name. The Economy of Media came to me. It contains two popular buzz words and I figured that I could get a ton of pity and error hits. Entering The Economy of Media on Google search netted 220 million hits. Which by the way is way more then The Oracleofottawa could get, way , way more... So here we go folks I bought the ticket and we are going to take the ride. I just hope I am not too successful because I hear that too much alcohol and fornication can kill you....
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F. Scott Fitzgerald |
This part is about the economy, something that used to serve us all, but now we are slaves of. I have read my Ayn Rand and my Adam Smith (really I did..) and to me capitalism was the cats ass. Then along came 2008 and my opinions have been changed for ever. We will get into this a lot more latter. But the daily bug of the economy is this bubble of gold, the barbarous relic as Keynes would say. I have my very own conspiracy theory about this and it is the right wing bible thumping wacko's conspiring together to ruin President Obamas' first term. The only world these people are going to change for the worse is there own. I figure that at the end of his second term gold will be somewhere around $250 - $400 an ounce. You have been warned.
In the realm of the media, I don't know where to start. But let us end on something positive. It was so good that I felt myself about to levitate from my sofa! It was Charlie Rose interviewing Associate Justice Stephen Breyer. Go to Google Video and watch it. Brilliant! Two guys seated at a very nice oak table. One man wanting to share what he knew and another man that wanted to really know. How much did this cost to make? Hardly nothing. What will be its value to posterity? Priceless! Did I learn something? You bet. It left me convinced that although things are a little rough right now America and Western Civilization will pick itself up, lick itself off and rise to ever higher heights. No one ever made money betting against America.
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