Monday, October 4, 2010

How Rome fell...

What would people think of a tradesman, that was to give a ball in his shop, hire performers, and hand refreshments about, with a view to benefit his business?
Jean-Baptiste Say, A Treatise on Political Economy, (Fourth Edition), 1832, Book I, On Production, Chapter XX, p. 214

I totally agree with  J.B. Say; All marketers are liars. It seems that the only things that get the full court marketing press is the garbage you don't really need anyway. Ponder that for a moment.. Think of some great brands. Such as Google, Snap-on Tools, Fluke Instrument, Wikipedia, Berkshire-Hathaway.. Have you ever seen a 30 second low-life-hard sell spot on old media television for the great brands? No. Because they don't have to. Perhaps that is the start to a great new algorithm for intelligent shopping? I had a  niece that was studying marketing at Carleton University. At a family BBQ, while she was trying to put relish on her burger, she was going on about how great a job and how much money people in marketing make. I asked her "why do you think the relish won't come out of that bottle dear?( The bottle of relish was half empty with the big chunks that wouldn't fit through the top...)  Well Uncky Oracle it appears some idiot put the wrong top size on this bottle! "And who do you think made that decision dear and which department?" I asked... Well I guess it was the morons in marketing! Now do you understand when your Uncky Oracle says being in marketing is is the same as telling a lie everyday for the rest of your life?  She saved herself, Thank God, and is now teaching English in South Korea!

In 2008 marketing damn near destroyed the world. At all these insane investment banks the financial instruments were not called financial instruments they were more commonly referred to as "products". No new product was marketed without in house consent of a huge marketing machine! Brother can you spare a dime? Another marketing travesty that is still in full swing is the Human Resources Rip-Off...But of that another time.. You commonly hear today on and on and on some more; greenhouse warming and climate change will destroy our civilization and our planet. Bullshit! What destroys empires, civilizations and nation-states is simply this: poor management and Death-Wish marketing. When management fails at an entity the first people to leave are the smart ones! What took years to accumulate must now be replaced with much dumber people in a hell of a hurry. This is when the death spiral really kicks in; I refer to it as the skid mark effect. A really great example I am observing now in Ottawa from many disgruntled employees and managers is occurring with a vengeance at the City of Ottawa. Or as it is called at present Skid Mark Central! Ouch! This is due, I am told, to the present Cue-Ball administration. It is repairable, but it will take years to undue the damage. Transition teams take note. And the crap you are going to find under the corners of the carpets in the back rooms.....

A great text book on a subject is hard to find. Some of the grand old publishing houses republish the great ones and it is a perennial  business. Recently on one of my never ending book crawls I discovered the greatest modern chemistry text I have seen so far. It is called: Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity by Kotz and Purcell, published by Saunders College Publishing, 1987. I always keep a selection on hand because they are interesting and help a ton with stock-picking. In this edition check out the special section entitled "Of Oceans and Eggs" on page 660. You will soon come to realize that the modern song of climate change etc... is yes just another marketing job....

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