Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Introduction...

"he who enlists a man's mind wields a power even greater than the sword or the scepter,"
Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers(1953), Chapter I, Introduction, p. 3

Saint Jerome in his study.

Welcome to The Economy of Media. Each blog entry will always contain a cited quote. If you read this dribble, you will always go away with more than you came with. It has been a rule that I have followed all my life. I will follow a standard format also. First there will be the quote, which I am hoping you will find timely and clever, followed by a discussion . The third  part I will discuss some topic of the economy; it may be local or international. The fourth part will discuss some topic of the media and its impression pro or con that it has left upon me. Economy and media are two things that we are buffeted and abused by every day. I am pissed and I am not taking it any more. All I have to lose is my rage. All I have to declare is my naked shining brilliance.
I am somewhat goal oriented, so the goal of this blog is to see it to a size of one million words, and to see its popularity reach some where in the top one million websites on earth. In the past that nagging little voice has been telling me to write, write, and write some more. I would shudder and lay down until the feeling went away. The main thought that frightens me the most is that my words could someday cause revolution, move the earth and or cause some other unintended consequence. What would Karl Marx think if he found out how his musings written in The British Library Reading Room had and continues to have through out the earth?
But the voice won't be placated by a nap any more. My wife and sister in law are begging for the first entry.
Once when I was a younger man a book seller told me that if I wrote a great book, I would get laid and fetted in the most luxurious way(s)! But I demurred I just felt and still do that it just isn't in me.. Then a little later on I met an actual author who told me, that hell, even if I could write a bad book I would get laid! Woo Hoo!! Sign me up! I know I can write bad most of the time so it is all blue sky really! A lot of this will be just random association and if one or two sentences sound like Kurt Vonnegut or Hunter S. Thompson; Thank you Lord...
There will be no corporate whoring here! Every ho is welcome to compete for a space! Later on when I figure out how to do it I will install  a virtual "begging box" (donations...) I got a strategy for this to... No one will pay for good writing, but some one may pay me to stop!
At first I wanted to call the blog The Oracleofottawa but some other putz already took the name and wrote less than ten paragraphs about his trip to the third world with some skank he was dating at the time and then stopped! So I thought and thought,  while napping of course, for a real good slick Canadian name. The Economy of Media came to me. It contains two popular buzz words and I figured that I could get a ton of pity and error hits. Entering The Economy of Media on Google search netted 220 million hits. Which by the way is way more then The Oracleofottawa could get, way , way more... So here we go folks I bought the ticket and we are going to take the ride. I just hope I am not too successful because I hear that too much alcohol and fornication can kill you....

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This part is about the economy, something that used to serve us all, but now we are slaves of. I have read my Ayn Rand and my Adam Smith (really I did..) and to me capitalism was the cats ass. Then along came 2008 and my opinions have been changed for ever. We will get into this a lot more latter. But the daily bug of the economy is this bubble of gold, the barbarous relic as Keynes would say. I have my very own conspiracy theory about this and it is the right wing bible thumping wacko's conspiring together to ruin President Obamas' first term. The only world these people are going to change for the worse is  there own. I figure that at the end of his second term gold will be somewhere around $250 - $400 an ounce. You have been warned.

In the realm of the media, I don't know where to start. But let us end on something positive. It was so good that I felt myself about to levitate from my sofa! It was Charlie Rose interviewing Associate Justice Stephen Breyer. Go to Google Video and watch it. Brilliant! Two guys seated at a very nice oak table. One man wanting to share what he knew and another man that wanted to really know. How much did this cost to make? Hardly nothing. What will be its value to posterity? Priceless! Did I learn something? You bet. It left me convinced that although things are a little rough right now America and Western Civilization will pick itself up, lick itself off and rise to ever higher heights. No one ever made money betting against America.

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